Business View Caribbean - February 2015 7
Welcome to the February issue of Business View
Magazine, a global leader in business-to-business
profiles, news and opinion – whose mission is to
detail the inner workings of today’s most influential
companies through direct one-on-one contact with
their key decision-makers.
As always, our coverage touches a broad range of in-
Informative features in this month’s Caribbean edi-
tion include a piece on Carita Jamaica Ltd., a compa-
ny whose managing director, Rita Hilton, had found
herself between careers before deciding to use some
of her past skills – from days as a school teacher – to
research a new enterprise.
An acquaintance in the produce business told her
there was a need for Jamaican-grown products in
New York, and Hilton quickly immersed herself in be-
hind-the-scenes research to investigate the available
possibilities. Ultimately, she used her expertise in ge-
ography to study the nuances of the export market,
then turned to the charisma and comfort developed
from her school days to sway others.
The company name, in fact, blends the company’s
home region – Caribbean – with her name.
“I felt that I could motivate, stimulate and also train
people to do the job I wanted to do,” Hilton said. “I
asked a lot of questions and I did a lot of footwork.
Money at that time was a big challenge because fi-
nancing was not available to women on their own
merits, they had to have a male figure co-signing
loans and co-signing financial arrangements. But I
managed to persuade my way and get myself on my
feet. It was not easy and I did a lot of the tasks my-
Carita Jamaica now works out of 4,500 square feet
in a Kingston warehouse, though expansion is immi-
nent and necessary thanks to the burgeoning nature
of the business. In fact, Hilton said, a lot of interest
comes in without solicitation, simply because it has
been around so long and developed such a solid rep-
Check out the full-length Carita Jamaica piece as
well as other feature stories in this month’s issue,
alongside supplemental content in the form of Top
10 lists, the Opening Lines section and the second
installment of our periodic end-of-magazine feature
– “Guest View” – which will include contributions
from key voices in industry sectors covered by the
Please feel free to contact me with any comments
or critiques, as well as suggestions for ways we can
continue to provide a publication that’s pertinent,
educational and entertaining.
Until March… I wish you good health and good busi-
Lyle Fitzsimmons
Vice President, Editorial
Business View Magazine