Business View Caribbean | April 2019

61 BUSINESS VIEW CARIBBEAN APRIL 2019 So environmental sustainability is important. Unfortunately, it’s not as wide-scale as I’d like it to be, in terms of the agricultural aspect from this Ministry but it’s in our governing programs. I’ve supported projects in that regard and reached out to the Nature Foundation with support for their environmental initiatives. In another respect, the sinking of artificial reefs required my approval and consent in seeing our coastal water is safe and unpolluted and that we create the marine life that has been lost due to storms in recent years.” BVC: What are your administration’s key goals for the future? Minister Johnson: “Part of the future plan is a permanent facility for our vendors; a permanent, beautified marketplace in the town where they will have all their work displayed in a safe, secure environment that is also conducive for visitors to sit down and relax. That is part of the plan for the Phillipsburg and Simpson Bay areas. I’ve had initial discussion with the vendors and they are elated in that regard. Another plan is the establishment of a Gaming Control Board to regulate the gaming industry. It will be a first for the island and a positive step, considering the number of gaming establishments, the casinos, we have. “The third goal is promoting the island even further in the tourism industry. We’re working with a PR firm in Canada; also going to expand in South America, because I want to see our economy branch into other areas. We depend heavily on the U.S. but we also have to expand as a destination and cater to different markets. We’ll be ramping up the marketing to ensure people know St. Maarten is open for business. “St. Maarten is truly paradise on earth; a blend of cultures, ethnicity, cuisine, with an attitude of resilience and strength, deeply rooted in our people. It’s a place where all walks of life, regardless of background, are welcome and everyone is friendly.” ST . MAARTEN MINI STRY OF TOUR I SM, ECONOMI C AFFA I RS , TRAFF I C , AND TELECOMMUNI CAT ION