Business View Caribbean April 2023

8 BUSINESS VIEW CARIBBEAN VOLUME 10, ISSUE 4 rights policymaking and implementation. During the proceedings, other CSOs from states like Israel supported the concerns of Barbados, especially in line with the legislative and procedural gaps surrounding domestic violence. Recommendations also included the increase in penalties for domestic violence, especially incest, the establishment of a separate court structure only focused on domestic violence to combat cases taking over ten years to be tried, and adequate counselling and training for all involved. Ambassador Matthew Wilson, the Permanent Representative for the Permanent Mission of Barbados to the United Nations Office and Other International Organisations in Geneva, was present to hear these recommendations from the Barbados government. The CSO delegation responded to the recommendations and called for a collaborative approach between the government and civil society to advance human rights in the country. I Am A Girl’s participation in the UPR pre-session demonstrates their commitment to promoting and protecting human rights in Barbados and engaging the international human rights system. They have committed to continuing to monitor the human rights situation in the country and advocate for the implementation of the UPR recommendations.