Business View Caribbean - Apr 2024

product quality poses a unique challenge. Royal Aruba Aloe addresses this conundrum head-on, combining diligent research with a principled approach to innovation. “Our R&D is multifaceted, with teams in Aruba and Amsterdam and a specific focus on leveraging university research for product enhancement,” he notes. The Aruba team is deeply immersed in developing products that stay true to the brand’s roots, while the Amsterdam contingent scouts the horizon for emerging trends and opportunities to infuse new life into traditional remedies. “We closely monitor industry trends, a task primarily undertaken by our Amsterdam team,” Doctor Veel reveals. This vigilance allows Royal Aruba Aloe to sift through the noise, identifying trends worth pursuing. However, Veel is quick to caution against mindlessly following every new direction. “We distance ourselves from trends that are more about marketing than science. We focus on ingredients and practices backed by clinical research,” he asserts, emphasizing a commitment to evidence over hype. In exploring current trends that have captured the company’s attention, Doctor Veel points to sustainability and scientifically proven ingredients as critical focus areas.“At recent industry conferences, like CosmoProf in Bologna, the push towards recycled materials for packaging and the continuous importance of aloe vera in products stood out,” he notes. These observations underscore a broader industry movement towards environmental responsibility and substantiated claims about product effectiveness—trends that Royal Aruba Aloe can navigate thanks to its foundational practices. A DIVERSE PORTFOLIO MEETING MODERN NEEDS Royal Aruba Aloe’s product range reflects an intricate understanding of consumer desires and skincare needs, showcasing an impressive array of items designed to nourish, protect, and rejuvenate the skin from head to toe. 43 BUSINESS VIEW CARIBBEAN VOLUME 11, ISSUE 04 ROYAL ARUBA ALOE