Business View Caribbean - Apr 2024

“We’ve gotten feedback in terms of the drivers and the truckers moving on the site, and we’ve worked closely with the contractor and the developer to ensure that there is GPS tracking on the drivers.” Emphasizing the impor tance of minimizing disruptions to local communities and tourism, Johnson underscored the collaboration with the Public Works Department to address any road damage caused by the project promptly. Johnson expressed confidence in the project’s progress, noting that it’s proceeding smoothly and according to schedule. In addition to runway development, plans include constructing a parallel taxiway to enhance the airport’s capacity for accommodating multiple aircraft simultaneously, as MMC Development Ltd., the airport project developer, is overseeing these efforts. Samuel Johnson also mentioned that two other areas are under construction: the Anzime and Crapo Hall quarry sites. These sites have been established to supply extra materials and aggregate for the project’s support. Johnson also addressed safety concerns bymentioning the implementation of GPS tracking for on-site drivers. 8 BUSINESS VIEW CARIBBEAN VOLUME 11, ISSUE 04