
10 11 lions more in the suspension of federal funds for airport improvements.” Mapp noted that Denver International Air- port’s focus on “rebuilding the new, replacing the old, and caring for the current” resonated well with his team as they prepare to holis- tically elevate the passenger experience at USVI airports. He added that “moving the Virgin Islands airports to the next level by becoming a real, exceptional experience for visitors” should no longer be a concept. “We must act, and act strategically.” Day saw this visit as the first step in leveraging syner- gies between her office and the USVI. “The world is becoming smaller, in the way we all think about it. Millennials think nothing about getting on a plane and going to Europe for the weekend. So, as the world becomes smaller, smaller airports have a great opportunity to raise their flag and be recognized as a great place to go. Plus, I’ve got to say, you (are) recognized as an un- believable place to visit. You’re already on everybody’s bucket list. If we can help you improve your airport, that’ll help you get the capacity to be ready for all those great visitors who are going to be coming to you in the next few years.” George Merritt, Senior Vice President of Government and Community Affairs with OPENING LINES Denver International Airport, lauded the in- sight of the USVI team to visit Denver. “There’s no substitute for actually visiting a place, really doing a deep dive with the people who have gone through an experience and getting their lessons learned. There is no substitute for actually getting on the ground and see- ing a project that you want to model after. We did that as part of our project. I took our City Council, we went to Europe and saw Heathrow and saw the Amsterdam airport. So the value that your team gets out of it is to sit down here, have a day to really study and not have any distractions and learn about this – and see it in a concrete way.” A highlight for the USVI delegation, Mapp added, was learning of the strong demand for nonstop flights between Denver and the territory, and how tourism officials can work with airlines and the airport to increase airlift to the destination. The governor said a taskforce would now be formed to develop a formal partnership be- tween VIPA and the Denver International Air- port. “We have a good path forward–Ms. Day has offered, and I have accepted, an exchange of managers and directors from the Virgin Islands Port Authority to come to Denver to get on-the-ground training and experience. And she is prepared to send her managers to spend a week or two working with our teams in the territory.”