Business View Caribbean - August/September 2018

82 83 are constantly looking for new challenges and techniques. For example, CWM came up with colored asphalt that was used during con- struction of the sidewalks at the Hyatt Project. “The construction of athletic fields in col- ored asphalt is a new segment that the com- pany has tapped into in recent years, such as the multifunctional field at Gibraltar, and in artificial grass such as the Johan Cruyff field in Zapateer, the baseball field at Tio Daou in Zapateer, the soccer fields of Navu in Brieven- gat, the SUBT stadium in Vredenberg, and the soccer field in Emmastad, just to mention a few. Our local Major League ball players work out at our Tio Daou Ball Park fields during their off-season breaks on the island. That fills me with tremendous satisfaction and pride! The soccer fields also adhere to the standards of the KNVB and the Johan Cruyff Foundation. “The CWM also contributes to environmen- tal awareness. The company has purchased a recycling machine through a joint venture and is using re-cycled asphalt technology to pave roads, such as on the pilot project on the Weg naar Willibrordus. This way of re-us- ing old asphalt has several advantages. It is more environmentally-conscious because the old asphalt is used again, and it provides an improvement for the construction of the foundation. This has to do with the scarcity of good foundation material. The hard diabase material that is often used in the construction of roads is almost depleted. Working in an en- vironmentally conscious manner is therefore Mauritslaan 1, Curaçao Phone: (+599-9)736-0431, Mobile: (+599-9)511-4795 E-Mail: CWM INFRASTRUCTURE PREFERRED VENDOR n Landmark Geodetic N.V. very important to the company. But we are limited. We have to work in accordance with the rules of the government and are not free to build the roads as we please. “New at the CWM is the production of cold asphalt. Cold asphalt can be stored in, for example, pouches and is mainly used for ‘responsible’ filling of holes in the road, which is usually done by small subcontractors. The CWM has grown tremendously in the last de- cade and has carved out a highly respected position in the market. The initiation of new projects within the framework of P.P.P. (Public Private Partnerships), spearheaded by the sister company, Eigen Woning Plan (EWP), is a good example of this. “We provide the infrastructure for these proj- ects. In this way the JAJO (Janssen de Jong) com- panies generate work for each other.We have become a reliable partner for development projects, such as Blue Bay Resort, Coral Estate at Rif St. Marie, and Halabi Real Estate with the developments at Grote Berg and Zuurzak.” Indeed, the island of Curaçao and its people are benefitting from the wealth of excep- tional infrastructure projects undertaken by CWM and its hard-working employees. With 29 years at the helm, Wendell Benefacio remains a driving force for innovation and is particularly excited that CWM has signed an endorsement deal with Curaçao’s renowned international sprinter, Charandy Martina, as they sponsor him in the Japan 2020 Olym- pics. Celebrating 65 years in business, CWM is definitely still #BONRIBAKAMINDA “on the right track!”