Business View Caribbean | Volume 8, Issue 8

31 BUSINESS VIEW CARIBBEAN VOLUME 8, ISSUE 8 TWO SONS FUNERAL HOME LTD. STAD I UM ROAD BUSH HALL , ST. MI CHAEL BARBADOS , WE ST I ND I E S 2 4 6 - 4 2 6 - 1 2 0 5 / 0 6 “We Aim to Please” QUEEN EL I ZABETH HOSP I TAL “The COVID situation is challenging, it’s progressive, it’s incremental, it changes daily as to what seems to be the best solution and maybe being flexible is what has allowed us to be successful. During all this, Barbados has also endured a hurricane and storms and the fallout from a volcano. But when you look around and see civil wars and droughts and starvation in other parts of the world, you have to give thanks. It’s been quite interesting, in that a lot of people preferred the COVID restrictions to having to deal with the dust from the St. Vincent volcano. It was really unpleasant, in your face, tangible. Whereas COVID is not so tangible until somebody close to you becomes very ill.”