Business View Caribbean | Volume 8, Issue 8

63 BUSINESS VIEW CARIBBEAN VOLUME 8, ISSUE 8 F&R CONSTRUCT ION GROUP INC . so far. So getting material is a problem and getting people to work is even a bigger problem, because many of them are earning as much or more money on unemployment than they do working. Fullana admits, “Everywhere you go in Puerto Rico, people are looking for employees. We hope that will end in Sept or October when the aid stops. But for the time being, we are getting people here and there and we just keep moving ahead. What we used to do in one year is now taking 15 months to do. We have several big projects we’ve been working on and I have to say the owners have been very understanding, so I cannot complain.” F&R Construction is a true family entity in every way. There are currently five members of the Fullana family in the business –Ángel, his son, Ángel’s brother, and two nephews. And the company’s employees are just like family, too. In fact, several have been part of this successful team for over 40 years.