Business View Caribbean - Aug 2024

• Bahamas National Patient Portal (BNPP), through which participants will be able in the first instance to view results online (CNCD Unit & Nutrition Counseling Services), and through which participants will soon be able to request a service online. • PatientPay, a point of sale (POS) application which allows users and administrators access and flexibility in a secure environment to manage financial obligations from anywhere in the country. Supporting these public-facing apps are PatientLink Bahamas (Appointment Scheduler), through which patients will be able to view appointments and through which providers (Mental Health Counseling Services in the first phase) will be able to set and manage patient appointments online.; a one-time password (OTP) app which facilitates multi-factor authentication for increased data and information security; a Master Patient Index (MPI) which is the building block of the eventual electronic health record (EHR), and a business intelligence tool (BIT) which pools all the data from across the applications to allow for improved reporting, more detailed and customizable analysis and more data-driven public policy making. PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT In addition, the Moodle Learning Management System (LMS) is also in the first phase of testing. Through Moodle, public health personnel will have online access to dynamic courses that will support training and continuous learning. The implementation of the LMS will facilitate more effective and efficient delivery of training. Moodle will also enable training and continuous learning to be accessible to the Family Islands. IN THE PIPELINE IS4H Bahamas technical experts will use the data and lessons learned in Phase One of piloting to refine the apps and the environment in which they operate before widespread adoption. In the coming weeks, training of public health staff and providers will ramp up to ensure that the new digital health information exchange systems are fully utilized to improve health outcomes for everyone in the Bahamian public health system. 10 BUSINESS VIEW CARIBBEAN VOLUME 11, ISSUE 08