BVC - August 2015 - page 21

Business View Caribbean - August 2015 21
improved economic performance of Nigeria, sub-Sa-
haran Africa’s largest oil exporter who amidst uncer-
tain economic times in 2014 achieved an impressive
growth of 6.3% as stated by the International Monetary
Fund. This he believed was achieved through ‘sound
macroeconomic policies, collective determination and
In delivering Remarks at the Launch Mr. Khafra Kam-
bon, Chairman of the Emancipation Support Commit-
tee said that ‘the African continent now has five of the
fastest growing economies which signals Africa as a
place for investment’. He encouraged the participants
to ‘use the symposium to form partnerships and to fos-
ter mutually beneficial relationships’.
Keynote speaker Dr. Julius Garvey focused on the
need to support the local agriculture sector and made
an appeal to participants to ‘practice freedom through
self-reliance and self-determination and utilize the
available resources, labour, capital and commitment
to communicate and develop meaningful trade rela-
tionships with our Brothers and Sisters in Africa’.
The one day Symposium addressed areas such as
Business with Africa - Opportunities and Experiences;
Tools for would-be investors – Research, Statistics, Fi-
nance and Expanding the Framework for Co-operation.
The presenters included His Excellency Vandi Chidi
Minah, Permanent Representative of the Republic of
Sierra Leone to the United Nations; His Excellency Hil-
ton Mitchell Managing Director, JONMOORE Int. Ltd;
Dr. Ralph Henry, Director Kairi Ltd; Mr. Dhanraj Har-
rypersad, Manager, Export Market Research Centre,
exporTT; Mr. Wale Ajibade, International Finance Ex-
pert Executive Director African Views and Mr. Melvin
Foote, President CFA
Minister Bharath (3rd left) shake hands with Dr. Julius Garvey (right) as Mr. Khafra Kambon, Chairman of the Emancipation Support
Committee (2nd left) and Mr. Tracy Wilson, Director ESCTT (left) “ Minister Bharath (3rd left) shake hands with Dr. Julius Garvey (right)
as Mr. Khafra Kambon, Chairman of the Emancipation Support Committee (2nd left) and Mr. Tracy Wilson, Director ESCTT (left)
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