more frequent and extreme weather events,” Royer stated. Royer addressed his audience about the devastating effects of Hurricane Maria in September 2017, which severely ravaged Dominica. He demanded assistance from the world community, especially developed nations, adding,“Even though we are not responsible for climate change, we had to rebuild not only the agriculture sector but the entire country, and we had to do it with our resources.” The minister also emphasized Dominica and IICA’s 40-year partnership. Regarding technology transfer, farmer assistance, and enhancing the quality of life for rural people generally, IICA has been a close friend of Dominica for the past forty years.Additionally, IICA has given women in the villages a lot of assistance and encouraged young people to pursue careers in agriculture,” he stated. Royer told IICA about his experience attending a training course in Costa Rica in 2019. “I think this program inspired me to stay in the industry and work for improvement. Organizations are crucial for farmers to gain expertise and become more competitive. We therefore appreciate IICA’s assistance over the previous four decades and look forward to our continued collaboration,” he said. 12 BUSINESS VIEW CARIBBEAN VOLUME 11, ISSUE 12