Business View Caribbean | Feb 2019

2005, 2010, and 2014 and flooding in 2011, 2013, and 2016, resulting in damages and losses in excess of a billion EC dollars.” He welcomed the collaboration between his min- istry and CANARI to develop a formal coordinat- ing mechanism to streamline implementation of climate change measures across all sectors and enable mainstreaming of climate resilience into development planning. He also highlighted the critical need for climate finance to support such implementation, including the support of the Green Climate Fund and other key donors. Stakeholders worked together at the national consultation to craft a shared vision and goals for the Climate Change Policy and to identify priority sectors and measures for adaptation and miti- gation, including for the agriculture, energy and transport, health, tourism, and water sectors. They also identified potential governance arrange- ments for effective implementation of the policy. CANARI and Ministry of Finance, Economic Plan- ning, Sustainable Development and Information Technology will continue to work over the next six months with stakeholders in SVG to develop a Climate Change Policy and a Climate Change Strategy and Implementation Plan. This process is being supported under the Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS) Regional Disas- ter Vulnerability Reduction Project funded by the World Bank and the Climate Investment Fund’s Pilot Program for Climate Resilience. 9