Business View Caribbean | February 2021

73 BUSINESS VIEW CARIBBEAN FEBRUARY 2021 FONTANA PHARMACY with more data on its customer’s purchasing patterns. But expanding the website is a top priority. “We are 100 percent looking to have a bigger presence,” says Chang. “We know that the world is changing, we know that Amazon is around. But I also believe there is an opportunity to marry the two. Look at Amazon. They now have brick and mortar stores. So I think there is a good partnership there.” The current Fontana Pharmacy website offers a host of products from their stores, including home décor, office supplies, beauty products, toys, electronics and more. They even ship worldwide to 53 countries, which surprises a lot of people. Chang explains, “We ship outside of Jamaica to places such as Australia, Japan; send a lot of souvenirs, but also things to Jamaicans abroad. Items they can’t find anywhere else, so they go on the website and order them.” The company currently employs just under 500