Business View Caribbean l Feb 2023

17 18 BUSINESS VIEW CARIBBEAN VOLUME 10, ISSUE 2 BUSINESS VIEW CARIBBEAN VOLUME 10, ISSUE 2 SHOWCAS I NG THE BEAUTY OF THE I S LANDS WH I LE STEER I NG THE TOUR I SM AND ECONOM I C SH I P AT A GLANCE ANTIGUA MINISTRY OF TOURISM & INVESTMENT WHAT: The authority responsible for economic and tourism initiatives to increase tourism numbers WHERE: Antigua, Caribbean Islands WEBSITE: AntiguaMinistry of Tourism& Investment ntigua is a stunning Caribbean island rich in history, culture, and natural beauty. It has a thriving tourism industry that attracts millions of visitors each year. Antigua is a highly sought-after tourist destination for several reasons. The island boasts some of the most beautiful beaches in the world, with over 365 pristine white-sand beaches for visitors to choose from. Besides its stunning beaches, Antigua has a rich cultural heritage and a fascinating history. Visitors can explore colonial-era buildings, forts, and monuments that take them back in time and immerse A REPRESENTING THE NEEDS OF THE TOURIST INDUSTRY, THE ANTIGUA AND BARBUDA MINISTRY OF TOURISM AND INVESTMENT FOCUS ON INITIATIVES TO CATER TO GROWING TOURIST NUMBERS