Business View Caribbean | Jan 2019

33 and television advertising appeals to that market because it also turns out to be our target niche, as well. Additionally, we do a lot of social media marketing; our social media presence is very active and very engaged.” Omar has some ambitious, long-term plans for the company, as well. “One is developing a strong e-commerce platform for Bashco,” he reveals. “We carry in excess of a hundred thousand SKUs (Stock Keeping Units) – the different items in our stores. So, to go towards an e-commerce market, to list all of those items, is a daunting challenge, but something I’m working towards. My concept is, within five to ten years, to reach out to the current Diaspora who have ties to Jamaica to try and get them interested, and then take it a step further and actually have a strong online retail presence across Jamaica.” “Concurrent with that, from an operational At MGIB, we continuously seek to exceed the expectations of our clients through the offering of value-added and inno- vative insurance products. Our most recent product offerings, Comprehensive Crime Protection and CaribCare, are underwritten by Lloyd’s, and are uniquely designed to ensure that your assets and medical welfare are optimally protected! n Local & International Health Coverage for Individuals, Families and Corporate Groups n Access to the Best & Largest Provider Networks Worldwide n Guaranteed Renewal Regardless of Age or Claims History n 24 Hour Reliable Customer Service n Up to US$3M Coverage per annum KEY FEATURES OF CARIBCARE & CARIBCARE PLUS KEY FEATURES OF CARIBCARE & CARIBCARE PLUS n Property and Money Loss n Forgery and Fraud n Employee Dishonesty n Burglary and Cash Letter n Cyber Crimes and Extortion n Counterfeit Currency and Stop Payment Order Liability MGI (Insurance Brokers) Ltd: Local Reinsurance Broker ll Registered by FSC ll JIBA Member //