Business View Caribbean | Jan 2019

39 we have the correct customer experience at all of our facilities. This is one aspect we’re working on now. “ At all our airports and seaports, infrastructure has to be at a standard to allow all craft –whether it’s aircraft, cruise ships, or ferries – safe berthing to welcome all persons to St. Lucia. And, of course, that affects taxi drivers, vendors, markets, sightseeing, supermarkets, business, hotels, agriculture - you name it. Once those persons touch our shores, there’s a whole cycle of effect on the economy. “ We’ve spoken about passengers, but there are also goods.We export a lot of bananas and other fruit, as well as raw provisions. Our manufacturing sector exports goods to Europe and the U.S. and we export agricultural products to Europe, as well. A lot of these goods and products are shipped around the world, by air and sea, but mostly via sea in containers. So SLASPA plays a very integral role in ensuring that the company operates and is able to receive and export goods and services.” B VC: Are there plans for expanding the current infrastructure for ships and aircraft? C enac: “Yes, our vision speaks to modernizing; not just our infrastructure but our processes, our procedures, our human capital. Our facilities do need upgrading. In the next few weeks, we’ll be unveiling a long-awaited project in St. Lucia. That’s our Hewanorra International Airport redevelopment - long outstanding but we will ensure that it’s implemented. It’s a very exciting time to be in the organization because we are Hewanorra Airport