Business View Caribbean - January 2025

EDITOR’S NOTES January may be cool and crisp for many areas around North America, however it is sunny skies for the Caribbean. Sunny prospects are also ahead for many companies in major economic sectors in the islands. New construction continues to dominate the economic landscape, prioritizing more housing options for residents and visitors to the region. Organizations in other business sectors are also well positioned to profit from a bright economic outlook. Business View captured this economic vitality for our January issue. We had the opportunity to sit down with Janssen de Jong. With a great deal on its 2025 agenda, this company is one to watch. As the company grows so do its aspirations. This issue we also bring you an in depth feature profile of Pennywise Cosmetics. From its early beginnings this company has grown to lead the path ahead in the cosmetics and personal care industry with innovative products. It is as clear as the crystal waters surrounding the islands that continued growth is on the Caribbean horizon, as are the progressive initiatives of those we were fortunate to chat with. With sustainability in mind, best business practices up front, and a resilient economy at their fingertips, the undeniable draw of the Caribbean islands remains tangible. As with every issue, my hope as editor-in-chief is that our valued readers continue to learn something new with each issue we produce for you and that December treats you well as you look forward to celebrating the festive season wherever that may be Karen Surca Editor in Chief Dear Readers, 2 BUSINESS VIEW CARIBBEAN VOLUME 12, ISSUE 01