BVC July, 2015 - page 7

Business View Caribbean - Apriol 2015 7
As the world continues to turn, Business View Caribbean continues to bring you the
most compelling stories of those businesses that fought through strife, not only to
survive turbulent economic times, but emerge as giants of their industries. We’re
thankful that you consider us a trustworthy source to deliver the details of Carib-
bean business in a way that’s consistent with your goals, values, and bottom line
profit margins. Let’s be honest, it’s nice to speak well of those who are in business,
but unless that business is turning over a profit worthy of discussion, then, quite
frankly, it may not be a business worthy of discussion. Don’t get me wrong, we
highly favor effort, tenacity, ethics, and goals. However, it’s the successful applica-
tion of those attributes that make a business media-worthy. For without success,
who’s to say that those attributes are equitable in the pursuit of a noteworthy busi-
ness? I hope that’s not too harsh a critique, but we have to be realistic in the un-
derstanding that you are in business to make money. If you are not making money,
then it’s your duty to accurately account for the measures that you must take to become profitable, or simply understand
that it is good business to bow out gracefully and return when the industry or timing is more favorable. It is for this reason,
this understanding, this very distinct and critical objective, that Business View Caribbean Magazine exists.
As a publication that is noteworthy of highlighting the success of businesses, industries, and governments throughout
the Caribbean, we are quite often contacted by businesses that are thriving to survive their current unfavorable condi-
tions. But even with an aggressive plan of marketing a brand, publicizing a product or service, and rebuilding an image
to recover, sustain, and inevitably become profitable, it is still often the toughest climb any executive has ever ventured to
trek. As businessmen ourselves, it’s a journey that we respect with great honor; however, we are committed to the task
of presenting our readers with a blueprint of success. This blueprint comes in the form of featuring businesses that have
put together a plan that they have followed diligently to become viable and notable models of success. It’s this success,
if only a modicum, that has warranted a view into their business as a manual for every executive and entrepreneur, both
current and hopeful, for their journey along this narrow and difficult, yet expansive and worthwhile road to profitable busi-
ness management.
We’ve heard your voices, read your letters and comments, and have seen your devotion to, what we deem, our modest yet
insightful, publication. We’re very humbled by the responses, and as a result we want you to know that we are commit-
ted to bringing you value each and every time we publish another edition of Business View Caribbean. This is why we’re
increasingly selective of the companies we allow to advertise within our pages. More times than not, it’s a process that
includes the consideration of our featured companies, which allows us to not be governed by big business advertising
dollars, and comforts those being featured with the notion that our focus is all about highlighting their businesses, their
accomplishments, and their relationships. This is what differentiates us from any other publication, and why we feel that
we have earned your devotion and trust in us to always give you an accurate and acute Business View.
Until next month, plan, build, and continue to prosper.
Thank you for your readership.
Andre S. Barefield
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