Business View Caribbean - July 2024

Source- , Editor, First Published May 24th, 2024 The Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) has launched an essential mission in Dominica to assess and improve the country’s maternal and perinatal health services. This four-day expedition, headed by two outstanding specialists in their fields, demonstrates PAHO’s continuous commitment to assisting Dominica in building her health system and improving maternal health outcomes. Dr Gillian Birchwood, a paediatrician with the Barbados Ministry of Health, and Dr Lucilla Charles, ENHANCED MATERNAL AND PERINATAL HEALTH SYSTEMS MISSION LAUNCHED BYPAHO IN DOMINICA OPENING L INES an obstetrician-gynaecologist with the St. Lucia Ministry of Health, are the PAHO-hired Temporary Advisors in charge of the mission. Their significant experience and commitment to maternal and perinatal health will be critical in completing a thorough audit and making practical suggestions. The principal objective of this mission is to audit Dominica’s Maternal and Perinatal Death Surveillance and Response (MPDSR) system. MPDSR is an essential technique for improving maternal and neonatal care quality. It contributes significantly to evidence-based advocacy, policy formation, planning, service delivery, and accountability, all of which are 11 BUSINESS VIEW CARIBBEAN VOLUME 11, ISSUE 07