Business View Caribbean | June 2022

36 BUSINESS VIEW CARIBBEAN VOLUME 9, ISSUE 6 project, which was 1800 tons of packaged units and fridge units, is now coming onstream. So slowly but surely things are picking back up to the way they were before COVID.” The T&T Ministry of Health is now building a new headquarters on the east side of the Savannah in Trinidad, and Peake Technologies has the contract to hookup a chill water system at that location. They’ve almost completed that job, also. Daniel explains, “For the past six months or so, we’ve been really trying to get the smaller jobs up and running. We installed a Lennox CRS unit at a Credit Union in Port of Spain, as well as a residential system we installed for the Managing Director of Price Waterhouse Cooper in Trinidad. We’re going ahead with as many jobs as possible.” Work in the residential sector has been going well for the company, although when shipping problems come up, they have to deal with that. Sometimes, there is a 2-3 week period where they don’t have any equipment to sell – and as you.” So we’re quite fortunate to have kept all our staff and we keep motivating them. We have little get-togethers and activities for them to keep their spirits up.” Along with their six retail outlets, Peake Technologies does work in Guyana and they have really been looking to expand and open a branch over there. However, the high cost of land at the present time has posed a hindrance. The company also continues to work in Saint Lucia and other islands. In fact, they recently installed a modular chiller at the hospital in St. Lucia and that was commissioned in April of this year. “Twin City Village Center is probably one of our largest projects that we’ve been working on,” says Daniel. “This project came on stream before COVID happened – in 2018/19 – and with the whole slowdown of work throughout the past couple of years it has been really dragging on. But we’re getting to a point where tenants are now starting to occupy the mall, and the mall owners are commissioning the equipment. That