Business View Caribbean | March 2021
81 BUSINESS VIEW CARIBBEAN MARCH 2021 KER I CK FARQUHARSON CUSTOMS BROKER my business is based in Montego Bay and I have employed eight persons. So I’m pretty small.” BVC: What are the main services you offer? Farquharson: “Classification of goods is one of the key areas I am really honored and respected for. That came because for the past 10 to 12 years I have served as a member of the Tariff Committee; a body representing various entities within Customs and outside of Customs. That committee sits bi-monthly in Kingston, where we argue and discuss every matter put before us and, based on the general rules of interpretation, we decide where an item should be classified. In circumstances when we are still undecided, especially when there are serious revenue issues to be brought into the conversation, those items would be referred to the World Customs Organization (WCO) for their ruling. “I really pay attention to the Customs brokerage aspect of entering goods, clearing goods, that type of thing. But the industries that are most important to me, based on where my clients are from, would be the airline industry and the hotel industry. Therein lies the predicament right now, given that those two industries have been decimated by the COVID-19 pandemic. But I continue to serve as the broker for American Airlines; FedEx; Jet Blue; United Airlines; Delta; Copa; Spirit Airlines – most of the airlines coming into Jamaica. And also for the hotels – Sandals, Tryall, Hedonism II in Negril, Secrets Resorts & Spa, just to name a few. “Also very important we are both Internationally certified by TRACE Anti- Bribery Solutions and also FCPA (Foreign Corrupt Practices Act). Since 2007 we have partnered with Mobay Freight Services to offer a “One Stop Shop” experience. That partnership allows us to source, consolidate, ship, clear and deliver imports. “It has been a really tough year for everyone, that’s the global reality. Had it not been for that wide span of brokerage clientele base, I would have gone under. But a little from here and a little from there keeps you going. The economy will get back on track but right now it’s more Staff Photo
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