12 13 OPENING LINES GRANTS OF $25.8 MILLION DISTRIBUTED TO 133 NGOS WORKING ON DISASTER RELIEF AND RECOVERY EFFORTS IN PUERTO RICO S till struggling with the effects of Hurri- canes Irma and Maria that blasted the island in September last year, Puerto Rico has received additional disaster relief support from United for Puerto Rico (UFPR) to the tune of $25.8 million dollars, with monies to be directed to 133 non-governmental organizations (NGOs) on the ground assisting with the relief efforts, as well as donating over 2,000 generators to small businesses and completing the distri- bution of five million pounds of additional relief supplies. United for Puerto Rico is a nonprofit NGO creat- ed after the Office of the First Lady of Puerto Rico called for members of the private sector to join in the relief effort after Hurricane Irma struck Puerto Rico on September 6. After the catastrophic im- pact of Maria, on September 20, the organization formalized and strengthened its structure as an entity separate from the government overseen by a board of nine directors from the private sector with one ex-officio government representative, the Secretary of the Puerto Rico Treasury, who has no vote. Organizing disaster relief for Puerto Rico being an important issue, UFPR first focused on pro- viding immediate post-hurricane relief and now those efforts have transitioned to recovery. UFPR efforts have supported five critical areas in disas- ter relief and recovery: 16.15 percent for food and water; 17.66 percent for shelter, 26.86 percent for health, 23.84 percent for social wellbeing, and 15.49 percent for economic development. These initiatives have concentrated in support of the most vulnerable populations, such the elderly, single mother households, and children, among others. “We are extremely satisfied and proud of the efforts achieved by leveraging the capabilities and resources of NGOs with potential to impact approximately one million individuals with the most pressing needs,” said Aurelio Alemán, Chair- man of the UFPR Board. “These milestones have been made possible thanks to the generosity of