Business View Caribbean | May 2019

31 BUSINESS VIEW CARIBBEAN MAY 2019 PUERTO SECO BEACH: A GUARDSMAN HOSP I TAL I TY PROPERTY in the membership program. It’s a great add-on for owners to market their properties. Guardsman Hospitality has just under 100 employees at Puerto Seco and about 60 at Konoko Falls. The company is also has a good community partner. According to Heron, “We have an annual charity event called the Guardsman Games. Part of it this year will be at Puerto Seco, and possibly some at Konoko, because those two destinations have challenging activities, like climbing the Falls at Konoko. And at Puerto Seco Beach, the aqua park has a challenge course, where you have to be quite fit to participate. In 2019, we have many activities on our schedule for community development. The first project we have is to put in fencing and bleacher stands at the community soccer field. It’s a very nice playing field and this will make it more comfortable for events. As part of our outreach, we also provide complimentary entry passes to about 500 people, annually, to come and experience Puerto Seco. Usually, we do that through the political directors, island-wide. They distribute to children and adults in their communities who they feel would benefit the most.” Total spend on the Puerto Seco Beach facility was about $6.5 million U.S. and, although a few people believe it should be free, Heron admits, “It takes money to maintain the site to the very high standards we have set. So, charging an entry fee to a facility of this quality with the exceptional service we offer is not an unreasonable request. The truth is, the public has not been resistant. In fact, during holidays and weekends, we are pictured left General Manager of Guardsman Hospitality, Laura Heron