BVC Nov, 2016 - page 31

Business View Caribbean - November 2016 31
iness, Commerce,
t - Barbados
According to its current Minister, The Honorable Don-
ville O. Inniss, the Ministry covers all matters relating to
industry and general business development, entrepre-
neurship, the protection of consumers, and the stim-
ulation of foreign investment. “The Ministry sets the
policy in the areas that it covers,” says Inniss. “We’re
responsible for getting any legislation done, and we’re
also responsible, in part, for some of the financing
that takes place in the country. We have several state
agencies that are involved in business facilitation and
business environment work, as well as international
business promotion.”
In the area of international business, Inniss points
to the country’s strong economy, its low tax environ-
ment, its skilled workforce, and its world-class profes-
sional environment inclusive of legal, banking, and ac-
counting services, as key incentives. “We’ve attracted
businesses from Latin America, primarily, and from
The Ministry of Industry, International
Business, Commerce, and Small Business Devel-
A Ministry of the Government of Barba-
St. Michael, Barbados
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