Business View Caribbean | November 2019

10 BUSINESS VIEW CARIBBEAN NOVEMBER 2019 Markus Mainka - emphasizing the uniqueness of Caribbean destinations by highlighting their culture, food, and events. “We are working very heavily now on explaining the difference and as a lot of our customers, particularly those flying down from the U.S., have this vision that every destination in the Caribbean is the same and we all know that is not true,” said Pezzicola. The Caribbean tourism outlook forum was the first organized by the CTO as a platform for discussion between member governments and leaders from the tourism industry that generate business to the region. It was attended by ministers and commissioners of tourism, directors of tourism, chief executives of destination management organizations, permanent secretaries, advisers and specialists, and technical officers from 12 member countries. Read more: welcomes-jetblues-continued-growth-in-the- region#ixzz64yeJEnpD Since May 2018, JetBlue has added six additional nonstop routes to Caribbean destinations