44 45 AshleyFurniture,many restaurant equipment brands, and are starting to build our wine and spirits portfolio. “We all do a little of everything.Times are changing, and you need to be as versatile as ever,and adapt.I ask myself all the time:What canwe do to increase reve- nue in this ever-competitiveworld?Mycurrent project is implementing a staff training program.I startedmy career working at Cartier inNewYorkand the training programs that Cartier uses for its employees is unbe- lievable and,subconsciously,so effective.I was grateful to have the opportunity to undergo this training.I took the fundamentals they taught me and developedmy ownmethods. “When I joined Kishco in 2013,I thought the sales methods used tomarket a luxurybracelet or diamond ringwould have been aworld apart from the product we are selling at Kishco.I found out quickly that the fundamentals are the same.” BVM: Is competition an issue onTurks and Caicos? SM: “Yes.This is a challengewe’ve taken on,since so much competition is nowin themarket.Our answer was to differentiate the products in the stores that were close to each other.We have locked in brands that arewell represented,and started to change our product linewith suppliers that will sell to us exclu- sivelyand semi-exclusively.Our products are all new. We don’t stockany refurb anymore,which is available at other vendors in the islands (and theydon’t even disclose they’re selling refurb). “Our sales staff is themost attentive and provides the best service.We focus on core values,a lean toward innovation,reallyanything that makes you feel like you’re the business of choice in your field.There are so manychoices out there,includingAmazon.What we are emphasizing is a seamless experience frompur- chase to installationwith great service at a verycom- petitive price.We try to be the leader not only in pricing but also the service provided.” BVM: Are there any long-termbusiness relationships that you feel have contributed to your success? SM: “We have had relations withmanyof our sup- pliers for the past 30 years,through our business in St. KISHCO TRADING LTD. Maarten.We are also constantlyadding suppliers that fit our culture.We are heavily supported bySankeyand Premium,two phenomenal appliance companies.If you go tomany restaurants here in theTurks and Ca- icos,youwill see their product in the formof a cooler, or freezer,or whatever it maybe.All our suppliers have been amazing becausewe have a good relationship with them.Theycomplain about manycompanies theyworkwith not paying on time,sowemake sure that we are never latewith payments,and keep open communicationwith themat all times.” BVM: Does the Kishco/Kostco retail business have expansions,efficiencyupgrades,newfacilities on the planning board? SM: “We are in the process of evaluatingwhether smaller satellite stores would be beneficial.We tried it a fewyears agowith awine and spirits boutique and it did verywell.We are thinking of expanding that idea. For us,it all comes back to training.I wishwe could say wewere about to implement drone deliveries,but our first objective is to get back to basics and then keep it fresh.” BVM: Five years out,what are the company’s priori- ties and significant objectives? SM: “We are at a crossroads of opportunityhere, retail is evolving,and nowwe have to compete,not onlywith online retailers in the U.S.such asAmazon, but figure out howto push retail forward.Our goal is to set up communityevents,and involve ourselves with the community that supports us somuch.We all want to growtogether.We also need to diversifyand grow the brand name horizontallyand vertically.Howwe are going to do that is the next big challenge.” PREFERRED VENDOR n GK Insurance Because protecting you , is important to us . Saltmills Plaza Unit #25 Grace Bay Providenciales Turks & Caicos B.W.I. Office: 1(649) 946-4823 Fax: 1(649) 946-4822 Insurnace with care... Motor Insurance Professional Indemnity Contractor’s All Risk