September 2015 Issue Business View Caribbean

Business View Caribbean - September 2015 77 to help out – organizations such as the Caribbean Development Bank, the Inter-American Development Bank, and the European Union are being instrumen- tal in making grants to facilitate energy efficiency and renewable energy. So these entities have a major part to play in moving the economies forward in the Carib- bean. And if they do become energy-independent, the whole business model and sustainability model of the islands changes overnight.” With Caribbean LED Lighting helping to lead the way, the region’s switch to an affordable and sustainable energy future is entirely possible. And if Caribbean LED Lighting’s vision becomes reality, it will finally an- swer the question that, when all is said and done, it only takes one company to change a light bulb. PREFERRED VENDORS DHL Barbados Ltd. - Laparkan Barbados Limited - www.accessbarbados. com McChlery Designs –