Business View Caribbean - Sept. / Oct. 2014
%XVLQHVV 9LHZ &DULEEHDQ ² 6HSWHPEHU 2FWREHU )UDQFLVLQJ VP of Editorial Lyle Fitzsimmons VP of Production Aimy McGrew Creative Art Director John Christy Research Directors Rebecca Woods VK Somas Andre Barefield Mark Gregory Ray Rivers Chief Operating Officer Brian Andersen Publisher Marcus VandenBrink Business View Publishing Inc. 12689 New Brittany Blvd 3W Fort Myers. FL 33907 Phone: 239-220-5554 Fax: 239-288-2494 USA | Canada | Brazil | Caribbean caribbean edition 4FQUFNCFS t 0DUPCFS Economies & Entrepreneurs BERMUDA Bermuda Hospitals Board ensures the highest-quality healthcare CAYMAN ISLANDS The Reef draws high marks for peace, quiet and serenity DOMINICA Secret Bay provides healthy rejuvenation in harmony with nature TRINIDAD & TOBAGO Exotic Caribbean Mountain Pride stays true to Trinidad & Tobago tradition U.S. VIRGIN ISLANDS Divi Carina Bay melds relaxation with modern style, amenities Business View Magazine, Inc. Please direct all inquiries to: Like Business View Magazine on Facebook – and subscribe now for free to receive 12 issues per year 2SHQLQJ /LQHV 6HSWHPEHU 2FWREHU ² &DULEEHDQ %XVLQHVV 9LHZ Canadian Government Launches $10 million National Recreational Trails Program National and provincial ministers aligned with Infrastructure Canada joined with leaders of the National Trails Coalition to launch the National Recreational Trails Program. Canada has a vast network of recreational trails which allow Canadians to experience the outdoors and appreciate this country’s natural beauty. Thanks to the partnership between the federal government and the coalition, $10 million will be available between 2014 and 2016 to help expand and rehabilitate Canada’s snowmobile, all-terrain vehicle and non-motorized trail system. “By investing in trail infrastructure, the government of Canada is encouraging job creation, linking communities and increasing recreational opportunities for Canadians,” said Denis Lebel, minister of infrastructure, communities and intergovernmental affairs and minister of the Economic Development Agency of Canada for the regions of Quebec. “Through this agreement, the government of Canada continues to support economic growth from coast to coast to coast while ensuring that Canadian communities remain among the best in the world to live.” Now that the National Recreational Trails Program is “open for business,” local trail organizations across Canada have been invited to submit project proposals directly to the National Trails Coalition, which is responsible for selecting and approving projects. “The NTC was founded in the belief that trail users and volunteer trail builders/managers can achieve much more by working collaboratively and supporting each other’s goals,” said Jo-Anne Farquhar, president of the National Trails Coalition’s board of directors. “Thanks to the support of our federal government, trail user groups can now apply for project funding to facilitate trail building, refurbishment and upgrade activities that will be beneficial to the long term sustainability of all forms of trail-based activities across Canada.” Infrastructure Canada’s Economic Action Plan 2014 provides funding over two fiscal years, 2014-15 and 2015-16, to expand and improve trails across the country. The funding will help build and renew multi- purpose trails for walking, running, cross-country skiing, biking, all-terrain vehicle use and snowmobiling. Between 150 and 200 projects are expected to be supported across Canada. The NTC is made up of the Canadian Council of SnowmobileOrganizations, theCanadianOff-Highway Vehicle Distributors Council and the Canadian Trails Federation, and their provincial/territorial affiliates. IMF Staff Mission Indicates Progress in Jamaica An International Monetary Fund mission visited Jamaica in mid-August to conduct discussions on the fifth review of Jamaica’s IMF-supported program under the Extended Fund Facility. The mission met with the country’s minister of finance and planning, other financial leaders and senior government officials, as well as representatives of the private sector and civil society. Jan Kees Martijn, the IMF’s 2SHQLQJ /LQHV
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