Business View Caribbean - Sept. / Oct. 2014
28 %XVLQHVV 9LHZ &DULEEHDQ ² 6HSWHPEHU 2FWREHU &D\PDQ ,VODQGV here. We attract a really well-suited clientele to our resort. We’re regarded highly because of the peace, the quiet and the serenity. “It truly feels like you’re at the end of the world here. A person walked on the beach into about four feet of water, put their face in, picked out a lobster, took it home and cooked it. There are only so many places in the world you can do that. The pictures are good. But it’s like seeing the Grand Canyon on picture. Until you see it up close you have no idea.” Recognizing its strengths has led to positive feedback for the resort from its visitors. The Reef was awarded a second consecutive Certificate of Excellence by TripAdvisor in 2013, which means it maintained an overall rating of 4 or higher – out of a possible 5 – from a benchmark number of reviewers on the website for 12 consecutive months. Only the top 10 percent of listed business qualify for the recognition. The resort has received an “excellent” rating from 86 percent of TripAdvisor users, placing it ahead of three branded facilities on Grand Cayman – Comfort Suites (84 percent), Marriott (83 percent) and Westin (78 percent) – and within close range of another name brand, the Ritz-Carlton (90 percent). It also earned a spot on the 2012 Expedia Insiders Select List, which combined input from Expedia’s worldwide employees along with online reviews to come up with a collection of 650 listed properties whose services, guest experiences and value were considered superior. “It’s extremely important to us,” Babin said. “The true rating of a resort is not based on our opinion of what we have. It’s what the people who come here think of us. You’ve got to define the market you’re going after.
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