Business View Caribbean - Sept. / Oct. 2014

&D\PDQ ,VODQGV 6HSWHPEHU ‡ 2FWREHU ² &DULEEHDQ ‡ %XVLQHVV 9LHZ AT A GLANCE WHERE: Grand Cayman WHO: The Reef WHAT: Beachfront suite and studio resort WEBSITE: You can’t just throw mud on the wall and try to please everybody, because it’s impossible. “We know the market we’re after. We know who we’re trying to attract. We’re certainly happy and pleased and humbled by the comments we get.” Maintaining those high marks comes from quality service, Babin said, but also from a consistent commitment to keeping the resort’s environmental standards on a high level. All power needed to sustain the resort is generated on site, recycling has been a standard practice since the facility was built in 1999 and The Reef was the first site on the eastern end of the island for a solar-panel charger foe electric vehicles. Surplus energy from the chargers is fed back into the national grid. Deals with local vendors are also a first priority when it comes to food and supplies. “It’s a very, very sensitive we live in here, so we all have to be very conscious of the damage that can be done when people are uneducated or unaware,” Babin said. “We educate members on what to do and what not to do, and every one of our partners – tour operators, watersport vendors, etc. – goes through an environmental impact assessment to make sure what they’re providing isn’t harmful. “The Caymans have a reputation as a very clean and well-maintained place, and it’s our job to make sure that doesn’t change. That matters to us a great deal.”