Business View Caribbean | September 2022

61 BUSINESS VIEW CARIBBEAN VOLUME 9, ISSUE 9 THE BR I T I SH V I RGIN I SLANDS A I RPORTS AUTHOR I T Companies are increasingly looking for ways to improve the effective and efficient management of their pension plans. Establishing a delicate balance between contributions and benefits must involve a pragmatic approach that encompasses a sound governance structure and an effective management and administration platform. Pension Management Interactive, Inc. (PMI) was established in 2009 to redefine the way pension plans and other social protection systems are structured and managed. PMI supports an interactive approach that appreciates and evaluates the synergies between the Plan Sponsor and its employees, before proceeding to propose suggested policies and guidelines. PMI’s conviction is that the process of formulating, evaluating, managing, and administering pension plans must entail a collaborative approach between the Fiduciaries and the respective Service Providers. Most employed persons live a long time in retirement, many without generating income post-employment. Without proper retirement planning, employees can be faced with a significant cut in their income at retirement, requiring dramatic changes to their lifestyle. At PMI, we aim to assist in structuring pension plans’ corporate governance structure, and service Clients that already have a system in place for their employees and those that would like to establish such a system. ...... For more information, please visit our website We Cater to Your Every Need Airport Services seeks to provide a wholesome experience to its customers whether they are small commercial, charter, cargo, or owners of private and corporate jetliners. Service Offerings: Passenger Handling Baggage Handling Customs and Immigration Clearance VIP Lounge Service VIP Flight Catering Lavatory Services, Fuel Services Taxi Services To and From Hotel (P) 1 284 495 1796   |   (C) 1 284 542-9400  |  | T.B Lettsome Int’l  Airport Beef Island P.O. Box 3424 Road Town, Tortola British Virgin Islands