Business View Caribbean | September 2022

62 BUSINESS VIEW CARIBBEAN VOLUME 9, ISSUE 9 is concerned with the installation of the Voice Communication Control System (VCCS) of the Air Traffic control Tower. “Sutron Corporation, a world leader in real time water and weather remote monitoring and control, provides technical support for the Automatic Weather Stations (AWS) situated on all three airports in the Virgin Islands – 2 on Terrance B. Lettsome International, 1 on Auguste George Airport, Anegada and 1 on Taddy Bay Airport, Virgin Gorda. Airports Council International (ACI) represents the collective interests of airports around the world to promote excellence in the aviation industry. They do this by working with governments, regional ACI members, experts, and international organizations like ICAO to develop policies, programs, and best practices that advance airport standards globally.” BVC: Looking five years ahead, what goals will be at the top of the agenda for the BVIAA to achieve in that time? Y