Invest Turks and Caicos

Sustainable Growth and Strategic Partnerships


Investing in a dynamic and beautiful region through strategic partnerships

Invest Turks and Caicos is the driving force behind the economic growth and development of the Turks and Caicos Islands. At the helm is Angela Musgrove, whose leadership shapes the organization’s strategies and ensures their successful implementation.

“Invest Turks and Caicos is an investment promotion agency,” Musgrove explains. “We operate as a statutory body within the Turks and Caicos Islands. Our primary objective is to stimulate and facilitate the development of the Turks and Caicos Islands by attracting foreign direct investment, encouraging trade and investment within the economy itself.”

The agency’s approach is multifaceted. It focuses on foreign investors and promotes domestic investment to strengthen the local economy. “We stimulate our local economy through promoting direct, domestic investment,” Musgrove continues. Collaborative efforts with stakeholders, whether through public-private partnerships or other commercial alliances, are pivotal to the agency’s mission.

As the Chief Executive Officer, Musgrove’s role is comprehensive. She oversees the agency’s mandate, develops implementation strategies, and reports to the government on progress. “It’s exciting, rewarding, challenging,” she says, capturing the essence of her demanding yet fulfilling job. When visible, the results of their efforts bring immense satisfaction and highlight the importance of their work.


Diversifying Tourism and Investment in Turks and Caicos

With its pristine beaches and luxury resorts, Turks and Caicos remains a prime destination for travelers. However, Musgrove emphasizes that the key to sustainable economic growth lies in diversifying the tourism experience and expanding investment opportunities.

“When we understand and recognize that tourism is the primary engine that drives economic growth in TCI, we continue to look for ways of diversifying the products we offer,” she notes. She highlights the importance of focusing on luxury hotels and exploring how to expand tourist activities beyond the confines of these establishments. By incorporating experiential tourism, tourists can explore the island’s rich culture and history, creating a more meaningful connection with the destination.

Musgrove elaborates, “We have been working with our tourism partners to create greater experiences for tourists, ensuring our tourism product remains fresh and current with trends.” This involves initiatives that allow visitors to experience the islands’ beauty beyond their hotels, engage in various activities, and support spin-off businesses.

The agency’s efforts are not limited to tourism alone. Musgrove outlines their broader strategy for diversifying the local economy by attracting investments in multiple sectors. “There are several key industry trends, including sustainable tourism, digital transformation, renewable energy, financial services, and agriculture,” she explains. These sectors are being prepared for expansion, embracing trends that provide innovative and eco-friendly solutions.

Musgrove emphasizes the long-term vision of reducing reliance on tourism. “We are working towards seeing more industries develop in the long run,” she states. The goal is to attract diverse visitors and investors, ensuring that environmental stewardship remains a priority. The focus is on creating products and projects that are not only innovative but also sustainable, such as developing eco-friendly resorts and advancing digital platforms.

At the heart of these efforts is improving customer satisfaction for tourists and investors while fostering a deep appreciation for the Turks and Caicos Islands. “It’s about making sure that those who invest here become a part of the community, not just seeing the islands as a way to make profits,” Musgrove says. The holistic approach aims to create a balanced, thriving economy that benefits everyone involved.

Strategic Collaboration for Sustainable Growth

Invest Turks and Caicos understands that fostering economic growth requires more than attracting investments; it necessitates strong partnerships with key government bodies. Musgrove illuminates the agency’s collaborative efforts to ensure holistic development across the islands.

“One of the things that we’re very proud of, and we’ve seen more and more in recent times, is stakeholder engagement and collaboration,” she explains. This engagement involves establishing robust relationships with essential stakeholders such as the Airports Authority and the Ports Authority. These connections are crucial for successfully executing various projects and initiatives aimed at economic development.

Musgrove emphasizes the importance of a unified approach, saying, “We recognize that we can’t operate in silos and expect to grow holistically as a country.” This realization drives the strategy to maintain ongoing consultations with multiple departments, including planning, environmental sustainability, and the Attorney General’s chambers. The goal is to ensure all parties are aligned and working towards a shared vision.

“With any one project or investment opportunity, we ensure full consultation so that everybody is on the same page,” Musgrove states. This coordinated effort allows Invest Turks and Caicos to proactively address potential challenges and create an environment conducive to foreign and local investments.

Sustainable Practices for Long-Term Success

In the Turks and Caicos Islands, sustainability isn’t just a buzzword; it’s a necessity. Due to their small population and globally recognized environmental significance, the islands face unique challenges and opportunities. Musgrove underscores the importance of eco-tourism and sustainable practices as crucial components of the region’s economic and environmental strategy.

“We’re an island nation that is extremely small,” she states, highlighting the critical need for sustainable practices. “It’s important to maintain globally recognized standards, and we also have our internal standards to improve and enhance our environment.”

For Invest Turks and Caicos, promoting eco-friendly tourism isn’t just about meeting international benchmarks. It’s about preserving the natural beauty that defines the islands. “We must ensure that projects are environmentally friendly,” Musgrove emphasizes. This means prioritizing eco-friendly resorts and tourism initiatives that protect the environment rather than degrade it.

Musgrove points out that the small population, just over 40,000, makes it imperative to be vigilant about environmental impacts. “You will probably see the impact more of environmental degradation,” she explains. The pristine beaches and clear waters are integral to the islands’ appeal, drawing visitors who seek tranquility and natural beauty.

“We must promote more eco-friendly tourism and resorts because we can’t kill the thing that supports us,” Musgrove asserts. The environment is a selling point and a core part of the islands’ identity. Visitors come to escape the hustle and bustle of big cities, seeking the islands’ unique serenity. This tranquility and the islands’ natural features must be preserved through diligent environmental stewardship.

Invest Turks and Caicos is committed to promoting development that aligns with these values. By ensuring that ongoing and new projects are environmentally conscious, the agency aims to safeguard the islands’ future. “People come here because of the environmental features we have and the tranquility of the island,” Musgrove says. “So, we have to protect it.”


Emphasizing Local Labor and Strategic Partnerships

Invest Turks and Caicos places a significant emphasis on integrating local talent into its economic framework while fostering vital partnerships. Musgrove illuminates the agency’s commitment to leveraging local labor and engaging with key community partners.

“One of the key things that we recognize is that indigenous islanders represent a small portion of the population,” she explains. “Unfortunately, we represent less than half, under 50% of our total population.” This demographic reality makes the islands heavily reliant on expatriate labor to sustain various industries.

Despite this reliance, the agency is committed to protecting the culture, history, and people of Turks and Caicos. “We have labor protocols to ensure that the local population participates actively in the economy,” Musgrove asserts. These protocols mandate that investors and organizations prioritize local employment, ensuring that islanders are not marginalized in the job market. “We feel very passionately about ensuring that our local population is protected in terms of employment within the industry.”

Post-Pandemic Growth

As the world emerges from the shadows of the COVID-19 pandemic, Invest Turks and Caicos has leveraged the lessons learned to foster a resilient and burgeoning tourism industry. Musgrove reflects on the agency’s growth trajectory and strategic plans for the future.

“Oh, definitely. I do think that we have experienced significant growth in both pre-COVID and post-COVID environments,” she states confidently. The pandemic’s challenges have provided valuable insights, enabling the agency to fortify the industry and enhance its resilience. “We continue to see positive projections for tourism growth,” she adds, emphasizing the agency’s optimistic outlook.

A critical component of this growth is improving infrastructure. “We have concrete plans to ensure that we are improving our infrastructure,” Musgrove reveals. This includes developing a brand-new airport and expanding efforts not just in Providenciales but also across the Family Islands.

“My vision right now is very clear and very encouraging,” Musgrove shares, highlighting her optimism about the future. She is motivated by the initiatives and plans underway, which promise significant opportunities for the islands. The multi-pronged approach is designed to ensure sustainable and inclusive growth, benefitting all residents of Turks and Caicos.

Strategic Priorities for 2024-2025

Looking ahead to the fiscal year 2024-2025, Invest Turks and Caicos remains focused on several key priorities that will drive the islands’ economic development. Musgrove outlines these priorities, stressing the importance of staying abreast of global economic trends and deepening relationships with key stakeholders.

“We want to ensure that we continue to build relationships with our key stakeholders,” she emphasizes. Maintaining a commitment to ethical, environmental, and sustainable investment practices is crucial. “At Invest Turks and Caicos, I envision that we will continue to work assiduously to create that diversified and resilient economy,” she asserts. This involves prioritizing sustainability, innovation, and community well-being.

The agency’s efforts are geared towards attracting high-quality, impactful investments that enhance Turks and Caicos’ global competitiveness. “It will put us in a better position to ensure that we can enhance the global competitiveness of the Turks and Caicos Islands and drive inclusive economic growth,” Musgrove concludes. The ultimate goal is long-term prosperity for all residents, making Turks and Caicos a thriving and sustainable place to call home.


Invest Turks and Caicos

What: Investment Promotion Agency dedicated to stimulating economic growth in the Turks and Caicos Islands.

Where: Turks and Caicos Islands


January 2021 Issue
January 2021 Issue