Salada Foods Jamaica - page 7

Business View Magazine
Bernadette Wong
Sales & Marketing Director
B.A. (Bus. Admin.),
Dip. Marketing
Zayous A. Hamilton
Cost Accountant
like cereal and honey are planned that Nelson-Brown
hopes will resonate both domestically and internation-
ally and allow users to combine flavors.
“It’s not a bad thing. Competition is good,” she said.
“It makes us become innovative in what we do and
how we do our processes, and seek to improve our
workflow and improve our efficiency. It forces us to get
up and look into new ways of doing things in order to
ensure that we are staying ahead of the game. It is
known worldwide that Jamaican coffee has a very dis-
tinct taste and profile.”
Tangible technological and financial improvement for
the company is a priority for the next several years,
Nelson-Brown said, and a recently enhanced market
research effort will be the driving force behind upcom-
ing new products – rather than putting products out
there in hopes that they’ll succeed.
Additional revenue is also coming from agreements
being made on a private-label basis, which involves
an outside company negotiating a rate for products
that will be manufactured and shipped by Salada, but
branded and ultimately distributed with the partnering
company’s labeling.
“The aim is to be around for the long haul. We don’t
see the business changing hands any time soon,” she
said. “We intend to maintain longevity for the foresee-
able future.”
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