Business View Magazine
and certification services to work for you.
By Agreement dated December 1, 2004 Perfection
Services Limited (PSL) became the sole agent for Fer-
guson Seacabs Limited (FSL) of Norway for the supply
of Cargo Container Units in Trinidad and Tobago. Ac-
cording to this Agreement, PSL is responsible for the
marketing and rental of inter alia offshore containers,
slings, shackles and nets supplied by FSL for lease in
Trinidad and Tobago. PSL shall conduct and conclude
all negotiations with the Lessee with regards to the
specifications and to the terms and conditions of the
lease of the equipment.
While PSL shall make all administrative and other
arrangements with local clients for the lease of the
equipment, FSL undertakes to supply the equipment
to Trinidad and Tobago so as to meet the exigencies
of the local demand while maintaining adequate re-
serves. FSL shall also provide such technical expertise