Elegant Hotels Barbados - page 4

Business View Magazine
the group’s executive chef, but the balance of man-
agement at each property is of local origin, Chatrani
said, which helps positioning as a “traditional Barba-
dian company.”
The corporate headquarters facility is located in Bar-
bados, but all sales, marketing and distribution ser-
vices are based in Fort Lauderdale, Fla.
“We know the product and we know the island, so
whenever and wherever we can use local products
and local services and local knowledge, we try and do
that,” he said. “We like to be seen as that.”
Additional sales staffs are located in the group’s pri-
mary markets, which include the United Kingdom, the
United States and Canada. The U.K. is responsible for
about 70 percent of overall resort traffic, while another
20 or so percent typically arrives from North America.
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