Business View Caribbean
Beds, Mattresses, Overlays, and Pads; Traction Equip-
ment; Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulators
(TENS) Units; Canes and Crutches; Patient Lifts; Power
Operated Vehicles; Seat Lift Mechanisms; Walkers,
Wheelchairs and Accessories; Orthoses; Breast Pros-
theses and Accessories; Ostomy Supplies; Tracheos-
tomy Supplies; Urological Supplies; Nebulizer Equip-
ment and Supplies; Oxygen Equipment and Supplies;
Ventilators, Accessories and Supplies; Surgical Dress-
ings; and Diabetic Shoes and Inserts.
Alberto Camara is Vice President and Chief Operating
Officer of Axiscare. He believes that his company is a
leader in its sector “not because we sell more than our
competitors, but because we bring better customer
service – we have just-in-time delivery.” Camara ex-
plains that if Axiscare gets an order from a hospital
before 11 AM, it will guarantee delivery that afternoon,
anywhere on the island. “We have a huge commitment
to our customers and our patients,” he adds.
Sonia Flores is Axiscare’s Procurement Director. She
maintains that the company’s success also can be at
Axiscare Health Logistics
Wholesaler and distributor of medical
equipment and supplies
Toa Baja, Puerto Rico