Business View Caribbean
there’s warm weather all year round.”
The water park’s success, though, is beginning to at-
tract interest from neighboring locales. “My wife gets
inquiries from Barbados, Turks and Caicos, Bahamas,
Dominica, Grenada, Trinidad – all from entrepreneurs
on different islands who have approached us to get
information about the park because it’s such an inter-
esting idea,” says Destang. “And she’s adding a few
pieces so it will be a lot larger, and she’s also rearrang-
ing the configuration to make it even more interesting.”
Destang also reports that the Resort is looking to add
some additional rooms, perhaps by the fall of this year.
“The Beach Resort has 78 rooms and that’s where
we’re looking to do the expansion. The Hotel and Inn
have 87 rooms and 33 rooms, respectively, and they’re
pretty much maxed-out; all of that property is utilized,”
he explains. “But in terms of additional room stock,
the Beach Resort is where we have the potential to