Bay Gardens Resorts - page 9

Business View Caribbean
clusive, one that is extremely rare. You don’t often see
hotels willing to share a portion of their all-inclusive
revenues with anybody; they want to keep the guests
in-house as much as possible. But we pay those res-
taurants to take the guests on for that night. It offers
the guest more variety – there are Indian restaurants,
Chinese restaurants, sushi, tapas, steak and seafood,
French - all kinds of different cuisine from the eight
restaurants that we partner with. And it’s working
exceedingly well. We’re putting tens of thousands of
dollars into the hands of these restaurants that have
otherwise would not have gotten anything.” As a final
touch, Destang says that Bay Gardens offers comple-
mentary transport to any of its partner restaurants,
upon request.
These synergistic relationships are what Destang
would like to see continue in whatever form they might
best appear. “It’s a different model of tourism,” he says,
“partnering with other restaurants and local farmers
in the case of our agricultural initiative through the SL-
HTA. It’s more of a collaborative approach as opposed
to a competitive one where I have to succeed at your
expense. It’s not necessarily like that. And we’ve seen
that we can have a win-win situation where everybody
From a new water park, to a new citizenship program,
to a new trade association initiative, and on to an in-
novative guest dining-plan, it’s obviously been another
busy year at Bay Gardens, as well as its neighbors and
business partners on the island. And with Sanovnik
Destang at the Bay Gardens and SLHTA helms, this
coming year is likely to be no different.
Rainforest Seafoods
Trans Caribbean 2000 Ltd.
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