ORAN - page 2

Business View Magazine
Product diversity opens up opportunities for door and window maker
For Bridgetown, Barbados-based Oran Ltd., oppor-
tunity has knocked over its 50-year history. From six
employees operating in 4,000 square feet in 1964, to
more than 250 employees in 120,000 square feet of
factory space today, the manufacturing company spe-
cializing in such aluminum products as doors and win-
dows, has learned to thrive - even among major com-
“There is a significant amount of competition,” says
Justin Oran, the company’s Operations Manager. This
includes two other window manufacturers in Barbados
and at least one, usually, on each island. In addition,
the company competes with product coming in from
the United States, Jamaica, and Trinidad.
With that, Oran has had to frame a plan to grow its
sales and customer base.
“How do we set ourselves apart? Well, a couple of
ways,” Oran says. First, time is on its side. “I don’t think
many of these competitors have a 50-year history. So
the brand is very strong.” Therefore, the company is
sure to market the brand in addition to its products.
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