ORAN - page 4

Business View Magazine
It’s clear that keeping its product offerings fresh is key.
“To keep things rejuvenated, we introduce new prod-
ucts every couple of years,” Oran says. “A number of
the products that we’ve introduced in the last three or
four years are really the first of their kind for the Ca-
ribbean. Our bi-folding doors, for example, have been
very popular. So we grow the product range and hope-
fully grow the customer base as a result.”
This has contributed to the company’s “very diversified
product range.”
“We offer some very custom solutions,” he says. “We
work alongside the customer, whether he’s a small
customer or a big customer, to find a solution that’s
right for him in terms of performance and in terms of
price point. And where we see opportunities to expand
the different product lines that might bolster that abil-
ity, we do so. So we’re not afraid of risk and of taking
on something new in an effort to educate the market
and provide something we think is of value.”
Continually seeking new solutions, the company fre-
quently invests in machinery. “Back in 2006/2007, we
were one of the first Caribbean companies to start pro-
ducing its own insulated glass products,” Oran says.
“Most of the time they would be imported from over-
seas. We’ve gone into CNC (computerized numerical
control) equipment. We’ve always looked for ways to
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