Business View Caribbean
wire products, was to gather the best suppliers in the
world and produce to a global standard. Using chemi-
cal, mechanical, and structural properties, in combi-
nation with the state of the art equipment, Trinrico was
poised to bring capabilities and products that would
take the region into the next evolution of the construc-
tion industry. To do so consistently, he brought the
best production and software managers and techni-
cians he could convince in Europe to join the company.
Trinrico’s first large supply cut and bend project was
for a new store in Trinidad. The company supplied all
the rebar processed into shapes as well as the fence
system, both of which were new products for the re-
juvenated company. Today, Trinrico has approximately
300 full and part-time employees. The company has
multiple building on its property in Reform, with an
administration building in San Fernando. Its prod-
ucts cover the Caribbean region with some activity
in South and Central America; although because of a
global downturn in the construction industry and fierce
global competition, most of its present-day customers
are local, including over 350 hardware stores across
the country and many small to medium-sized contrac-
tors. Its products include galvanized wire, barbed wire,
galvanized welded mesh, high and maximum security
fence systems, geo-textiles, Gabion baskets, and a
new reinforcement product called Dramex which con-
sists of steel fibers placed in concrete.
“We’re in the original line of products that my father
had started,” explains Ramoutarsingh, “but we have
gone a lot further downstream with them. For exam-
ple, in the beginning, my father was manufacturing