Maritime & Transport Services Limited - page 4

Business View Caribbean
nothing “limited” about this company’s ability to re-
spond to its customers’ needs.
As a port agency, MTS services all public seaports in
Jamaica, and is the exclusive agent at several private-
ly-owned docks that handle specific cargo for a par-
ticular owner. They include: Port Kaiser, Alligator Pond
owned by Alumina Partners of Jamaica; Rocky Point,
Salt River owned by Alcoa Minerals of Jamaica; Old-
HarbourBay owned by Jamaica Energy Partners; and
Reynolds Pier, Ocho Rios owned by the Jamaica Baux-
ite Mining Company.
“We handle exports of alumina and bauxite, so we’re
very strong in that field. We handle dry bulk vessels
that are coming in to load bauxite and alumina and
limestone for export. We also handle liquid bulk, which
are the petroleum products that are coming into Ja-
maica for consumption on the island. Those range
from the local oil refinery and the local bauxite refiner-
ies here that we have a relationship with, to the ship
owners overseas that will be coming to pick up the
cargo or deliver the cargo into Jamaica.”
As a shipping agent, MTS represents many inter-
national cargo and cruise principals, including: the
Maersk Line, Bulkhandling, Western Bulk Carriers,
Lauritzen Bulkers, Hyundai Merchant Marine, Delphin
Seereisen, T.M.M., Alcoa Steamship, Unicom Manage-
ment Services, Van Ommeren, Comet Shipping, Sanko
Steamship, Odessa America, Sargeant Marine, and
Front: Yvette Buchanan, Oscar Bridge – Directors, Back from Left: Donald Barrant – Operations Manager, Wayne Rho-
den – Sales/Business Development Manager, Kenneth Myrie – Group Financial Controller, Fitzroy Benjamin – Disburse-
ment Manager, Missing: Andre Rochester - Freight Manager
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