Danosa Caribbean - page 7

Business View Caribbean
waterproofing solutions for non-roofing applications,
such as those required in infrastructure projects and
below-grade applications. We are continually conduct-
ing studies and researching how to improve each prod-
uct component, while designing new alternatives for a
more resistant and
longer lasting mem-
brane. And we are
always very environ-
mentally conscious
and have created
our roofing systems
to be eco-friendly
and energy-saving.”
While Danosa does
export its products
to places such as
Chile, the Domini-
can Republic, other
Caribbean islands,
and even the United States, Rivera says that increas-
ing its export market is on the top of her agenda over
the coming years. “We want to be well-known, well-
accepted, well-used, and well-recognized out of our
geographic region; out of what we always call ‘the hun-
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