Business View Caribbean
Queen Elizabeth Hospital - Barbados
Getting better together
The Queen Elizabeth Hospital (QEH) is Barbados’ pri-
mary acute care medical facility, as well as an accred-
ited teaching hospital affiliated with the University of
the West Indies, Cave Hill campus. The institution was
opened on November 14, 1964. “We celebrated 50
years in 2014,” says hospital CEO, Dr. Dexter James.
“We started with 464 beds and today we have 600
beds, providing a wide range of medical, diagnostic,
and therapeutic services.”
Regarding its surgical services, in addition to general
surgery, James says that QEH also offers minimal inva-
sive surgery, urology, ENT (ear, nose, and throat), gy-
necology, cardio-thoracic, orthopedic, dental, ophthal-
mology, and neurosurgery. “So there’s quite a range
of surgery that we currently provide that can meet the
needs of the population,” James says. “There are very
few cases that we now refer overseas for care and
these are mainly patients that require cardiology in-