Queen Elizabeth Hospital - Barbados - page 7

Business View Caribbean
achievement of hospital accreditation by an interna-
tionally recognized body will be one of the top items
on QEH’s agenda. “Hospital accreditation is perhaps
one of the biggest transformational pieces that is go-
ing to happen to us in the next two to three years,
where we can benchmark our services against a set
of internationally accepted standards,” “he remarks.
Aligned with that pursuit is the Hospital’s develop-
ment of what James calls “Centers of Excellence” in
the areas of ophthalmology, cardiology, neurosurgery,
oncology, and intensive care. “Such an award would
position us as a true center of healthcare excellence
where we can raise the bar in terms of quality and
patient safety,” he maintains.
“The other area that would be big for us, and has
borne a lot of fruit, is the continued exploration and
exploitation of information and communications tech-
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