February 2015 - page 27

Business View Caribbean - February 2015 27
John’s Lounge, offer guests the opportunity to enjoy
a curated selection and learn the rich history of the
region’s signature liquor.
Improvements at Coconut Bay have also revamped res-
taurants and created a variety of exciting outdoor din-
ing venues. New menus use as many locally sourced
food items as possible, while at the same time elevat-
ing the dining experience to new heights for an all-in-
clusive. A new waterfront private dining area named
La Luna has been added, as well as a new Verandah
with ocean views. Finally, to facilitate larger destina-
tion weddings and events, the new Pavilion at Coconut
Bay’s Eternity Beach can accommodate small groups
and is the perfect setting for themed pirate parties
and bonfires.
Coconut Bay also has a rich tradition of giving back
to the surrounding communities. The resort has “ad-
opted” the children’s ward at St. Jude Hospital and,
through programs that include a weekly rubber duck
race, raises funds to benefit the children’s ward.
Coconut Bay supports education with its new CocoL-
and Cares Project, a major national initiative and a
significant investment in early childhood education.
Learning materials carefully chosen to support literacy
and language development have been distributed to
126 preschools to contribute to academic achieve-
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