February 2015 - page 36

36 February 2015 - Business View Caribbean
sugar cane industry, Seprod and their producers out
in their sugar production operations – they are doing
a lot of those things. In the tourism sector, we have a
number of new interests coming in – Hyatt is purchas-
ing. We are seeing Moon Palace out of Mexico com-
ing in and starting operations in Jamaica in the tour-
ism sector. So, we are seeing activity in that regard.
And, of course, there has been significant investment
by Chinese interests. Pan Caribbean sugar is part of
the COMPLANT group out of China. China Harbor Engi-
neering Company is also here and they are engaging
in major infrastructure investment towards road con-
struction currently and these are very positive develop-
ments that we are seeing.
BUSINESS VIEW: Talk about the next steps. What
kind of indicators are there that people on the out-
side ought to look at to be able to stay “OK, things
are headed in the right direction because this hap-
pened or because this goal was met, or this sign of
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