February 2015 - page 42

42 February 2015 - Business View Caribbean
Additionally, the company has contributed to develop-
ment of other capabilities in the space, thanks to sev-
eral people with Fujitsu connections eventually going
on to establish their own businesses. And it’s had an
integral role around many other regional technology
firsts as well – including automated teller machines,
online credit card transactions, Internet capabilities
and cloud computing.
“Part of our history is really marked by the fact that
we had a vision to really lead the IT space in a very
tangible way,” Eyre said. “Not just to Fujitsu’s benefit,
but to the benefit of the region and its people and its
And not only does the deep Caribbean heritage and
impact separate Fujitsu from would-be competitors, he
said, but so does a clarity of purpose that the company
has maintained even as lines have become increas-
ingly blurred between the services offered by other
global heavyweights.
Toward that end, it’s championing a “human-centric
view” which will leverage IT capabilities to ensure that
technology adds value to life in areas like agriculture,
manufacturing and banking.
“We don’t do communications. We don’t do anything
else,” Eyre said.
“We’re very, very clearly an IT services company, so
customers can trust that. We have a clear message
around that, which is that we’re a global operation with
a deep footprint, which brings global experiences into
an industry that is becoming increasingly globalized. A
lot of what’s happening in Trinidad, Jamaica and Bar-
bados is less influenced by those markets now, and it
more becoming influenced by what’s happening glob-
ally. That’s affecting consumption.”
Going forward, Eyre expects Fujitsu’s ability to remain
agile on the ground – with the comfort of being a world-
wide company – to continue to pay off in the form of
integrated solutions and partnerships that allow it to
Fujitsu Caribbean
Information and communication technol-
ogy company; with a range of products, solutions
and services for customers in the financial servic-
es, telecom and government sectors
Global headquarters in Tokyo, Japan;
Caribbean regional operations in Trinidad, Jamai-
ca, Barbados, Bahamas, Costa Rica and Mexico
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